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Google Adwords or Google Ads is currently an important tool for companies, large and small, so what is it and why do you choose it, and what type of Google ads?

Google AdWords previously or google ads official site now is one of the most developing tools in the past twenty years that has contributed and helped increase the reach of businesses to their potential customers, so what is it, what is its advantage for your business, and how do you calculate its cost? This is what you will know by the end of your reading of this article.

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Google AdWords Ads is a service that appeared in 1998 as an alternative to traditional marketing and to provide a space through which the owners of digital projects and projects on the ground appear and lead, especially those who wish to show their products or services, and therefore this tool aims to help the owners of companies and projects in attracting more customers and reaching the public The right time at the right time to ensure you increase online sales, stand out, or get people to know you.

Thus, Google ads will help you promote your business, sell products or services, or introduce yourself, and increase people’s traffic on your site and their visits to it, and Google ads accounts are managed via the Internet, so from your place you can start advertising from your place and modify ads or change its budget whenever you want without minimum or maximum.

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When you create a Google AdWords account, you will literally have complete control over everything related to advertising and its various elements, such as keywords, targeting, and the different budgets that you want. For example, if you sell men's watches in your online store, you can use the popular words that your customers may use from brands, questions, or regular searches, Where you can control these words accurately and block the words that you do not want the advertisement to appear when searching for them, such as women’s watches, for example, or children’s watches, and therefore the advantage of this control is what determines later the success of your advertising campaign

Currently, google ads in has an ad scheduling feature that gives you the ability to specify the time of its display, which is excellent for some companies that target customers at specific times of the day or night such as restaurants and hotels, or companies that target people in certain seasons of the year as well.

Control doesn't just stop at keywords, pages, or ad time, you can also control how much you spend either daily, monthly, or even pay per click.

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One of the main advantages of the Google Adwords pay-per-click tool is that it is profitable and targets those who really want the service or product, and at the same time you will only pay for every click on the advertisement, and depending on the budget that you want, it means that you can set your budget at ten dollars or a thousand, the options are not They have limits on that. Determine exactly how much they want to spend.

Over time, and as soon as people know your services and products, and according to a specific strategy that you use with the advertising officer in your team, you can reduce the cost of pay-per-click advertising, which means more visitors to your site or store and less final cost that you pay to sites.

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Want to reach a niche audience in a rural or local setting? Or do you want to reach the entire Arab region? Or target the whole world? The good thing about the Google AdWords tool is that you can launch your campaigns anywhere you want and accurately define your audience. You can also choose to display the advertisement based on the language spoken by your audience that you want them to see the advertisement.

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Of course, you can start with search engine optimization to increase people entering your site, and that may be somewhat less expensive, but it takes a long time and requires you to be patient with a strategy that requires at least two months, and compared to the immediate results that you will get from the google adwords official site tool once you launch your advertising campaigns on it People will see you from the first moment, and your sales will start moving based on the strength and quality of the advertising message and good targeting. If you complete these two things, you will see results in days.

Of course, this never cancels the idea of ​​working on search engine optimization, on the contrary, advertising on Google AdWords complements search engine optimization, but we tell you that if you are looking for an immediate result and immediate activity for your customers, you should consider advertising via Google AdWords.

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The advantage of advertising via Google AdWords Saudi Arabia or Google AdWords Egypt or any other country is that your customer holds his credit card in his hand and is waiting for you to appear in front of him and give him what he expects, and therefore the Google AdWords tool helps you in creating advertising campaigns for a customer who is ready to buy, by returning to the example of men's watches That we mentioned to you in the first feature, you will need to prepare the keyword that the customer is searching for, for example, “men’s watches”, and therefore your inclusion of this keyword will show your ad to your customer who is searching for these watches, and his intention is to buy them.

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Unlike other traditional means of advertising, such as street advertisements or advertisements broadcast on television and newspapers, which are difficult under any circumstances to measure their results and do not give the customer an immediate opportunity to respond to the advertisement, but in Google AdWords you have a large amount of data to measure the result and performance of the advertisement, for example you can measure advertisements Pay-per-click keeps track of the cost of clicks, click-through rate and how often people visit your ad so you can optimize or modify your advertising messages based on your audience's response to it.

Types of Google Adwords Ads

This type in Google Adwords “search network” search ads is suitable for those who want to reach interested customers or will search for a specific product or service, and therefore when anyone searches for the product name or the keywords that the advertiser entered, it is supposed to appear first in front of him on the Google search page near or below the user's search results.

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Google AdWords “Display ads” ads are an excellent option for those who want to place ads inside news pages or websites in particular or others in general, and it helps this type of user.

To get more conversions from this type of advertisement, you just have to target the pages that are related to your product or service, and that are related to what you advertise, because in this way you will offer solutions to your audience who is looking for solutions but does not know them yet.

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This type is very important for those who sell products on youtube google ads, because it allows you to display an advertisement for your product as soon as the person searches for the name of the product. This will appear to people and contribute to the demand from you. In addition to providing a picture of your product with all its specifications, you also show people the name of your store and your brand, so that they know that you exist.

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People spend many hours watching videos, regardless of their age. Video is like a juice of content that is visually attractive and satisfactory to people's tastes. Therefore, video advertising in Google AdWords may be a powerful way to influence and have a quick effect on people, which leads to the simplicity of people consuming content and receiving the idea if they like it.

Google AdWords allows you to advertise via video on the YouTube platform or other Google partner sites, in which you will pay for people watching your ad, and you can choose the package that best suits your budget and the campaign you want.

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This type of Google AdWords ads differs in that you give Google the power to use texts and images in your application, to use them in video or image advertising while people use applications, watch videos or even search, so that the ad appears in different images and Google AdWords itself tests and displays the ad to achieve the best performance With bids renewing automatically based on ad performance.

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The method for calculating the cost of Google ads differs according to your need, your business, and the goal and type of the campaign. By using automatic bidding, you will be able to control setting a maximum price per click, which is simply the highest budget that you want to pay for clicks on your ad. For example, if a person would pay a quarter of a dollar per click , or its equivalent in the currency of your country, you can set this quarter of a dollar as a maximum cost that you want for each click, and thus you will not pay anything unless the person clicks on the ad and enters it, so if the ad was viewed by 100 people and only five entered it, you will pay only for these five, And you can get good results at an appropriate cost when using this type of advertisement, because you will only pay after the visitor looking for you is interested in knowing more about the commodity by clicking on the advertisement.

How to determine the google add me to search

You can determine the value of the click yourself through your business and the sales process, so that you do not pay more on ads than you sell. If, for example, you sell sunglasses and a customer comes to you who buys with every 10 views of the ad, then you can calculate the number of impressions in proportion to the expected number of Buyers compared to those who saw the ad but didn't buy.

As we have explained previously, you can set the price per click to suit you, and then learn about the yield of clicks in your sales traffic or visits, and remember that the number of visits on the Internet changes and this may require re-setting prices to appear as usual first in ads because whoever pays more per click will appear first and who Pay less will appear next and so on.

Tools to help you google adverse

Quote simulator

The Bid Simulator answers the What If question? I mean, what if you increase your ad bid by $1. How many impressions will you get for the last week?

Keyword planner

Keyword Planner will show you search times for the words your audience is searching for and relevant to your business to save costs and ensure the ad result is visible to those you want.

The First Page Bid Estimates tool will help you see the bids needed to display your ad on the first page of Google results.

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What is google adwords?

Google AdWords is a tool from Google that allows companies to start showing their products and services with different campaigns that make them appear first either in search results, through applications, in videos, or on different website pages.

Is it possible to advertise on Google Adwords for free ?

Ads through Google Adwords are paid, but sometimes Google Adwords provides a coupon or different coupons for companies starting from $ 25 and up to $ 150, and you can learn how to use it simply from this video on the YouTube platform .

Does Wilt offer Google AdWords ads?

Unfortunately, we at Willet do not provide this service, but we shorten your time in building your website, to design it yourself and in minutes with continuous support service and special prices.

What is the difference between CPC and CPM ?

CPC is an abbreviation for an English term that corresponds in the Arabic language to the term Pay Per Click, and this type of ads will be used in Google AdWords campaigns, while the term CPM refers to payment for thousands of impressions or impressions, both of which are used, but the first is used for an audience ready to buy and the second is used for an audience that needs to know.​​​​​​​​

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Maya Lorian
By : Maya Lorian
My name is Maya, I am trying to help girls who need help with fashion, beauty, how to become beautiful and some general health advice.

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